CEO case studies
Leadership mindsets
Frameworks and tools 
International and national expert advice

Our critical risk resources are below. Take a look to learn more. 

Supporting leaders to monitor health and safety

Framework: This guide supports CEOs and senior leaders to assess and improve their monitoring of health and safety. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ set of indicators that will measure performance in all businesses. But there are ‘drivers of performance’ common to all businesses. Health and safety in any business is determined by: risk, relationships and resourcing.

Changing a safety culture from compliance to curiosity and capacity 

CEO video case study: The Forum hosted Mitchell Services CEO Andrew Elf and GM Josh Bryant in New Zealand in May 2024 where Forum CEOs and their teams were able to hear first-hand how the organisation had turned its safety performance culture around by using the Human Organisational Performance (HOP) principles and the concept of 4Ds.

Managing risks, or controls? 

Video with Todd Conklin: As a leader where is your attention going - on managing risk, or essential controls? In this video with US human performance expert Dr Todd Conklin learn by managing essential controls should be front of mind, rather than just managing risk.

Critical risks and controls at Port of Auckland

CEO video case study: Roger Gray came to Port of Auckland as CEO in early 2022, following recent fatalities. Watch this short video where he talks about coming into lead an organisation with a culture of distrust; and the work required for the port to regain their mana, transform their safety culture and the journey they’re on to focus on critical risks and controls.

CEO Guide to Risk

Framework: This toolkit will help CEOs and directors meet their legal duties as officers and PCBUs by supporting them to understand the risks in their business, to manage these risks, and to verify the effectiveness of their risk management.

Critical risks and safety culture at Fletcher Building

CEO video case study: Since 2018 Fletcher Building has been working to create a new culture that is characterised by a belief that ‘all injuries can be prevented’, following a number of fatalities and serious injuries. This four-year programme has focused on reshaping safety culture in its leaders, and has contributed to its best-ever safety performance. Watch this video from Former CEO Ross Taylor about the work he's led.

Changing attitudes following fatalities 

CEO video case study: In October 2015 Landcorp/Pāmu experienced its third workplace fatality in six months. Not surprisingly, its CEO Steve Carden was desperate to prevent more harm. The company realised it needed to change entrenched attitudes towards health and safety that were making its business unsafe.

Understanding failing safely

Expert advice: World-leading human performance expert, Dr Todd Conklin challenges traditional ideas about how safety is measured and says we need a new definition of safety.

What is Safety II? And, how can leaders apply the concept?

Expert advice: In this video series, safety differently expert Daniel Hummerdal explains why organisations can’t ‘win the war on error’. Human beings will always make mistakes. So, health and safety systems need to take this into account. He also outlines how CEOs can use a Safety II approach to better understand how work is done in their organisations and to use that information to make work safer and more productive.

Why an Australian company focuses on critical risk controls

International CEO case study: Laing O’Rourke executive Tim Fleming explains why his company now focuses on controlling critical risks.