Frost Fans

Andrew Priest


Bringing the Forum and Leading Safety’s Be Well to Lead Well course directly to the entire senior leadership team made sense to Andrew Priest, CEO of New Zealand Frost Fans.

“The organisation will have a higher priority on mental health and wellbeing given Be Well was run with the senior team."

In 2022, CEO of Frost Fans, Andrew Priest, put his senior leadership team through the Forum and Leading Safety's Be Well programme, part of the Be Well to Lead Well course, which expands the resources associated with its world-leading CEO Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work framework.

Be Well applies the framework’s “reclaim” lens to your role as CEO and an executive leader, in order to help you restore balance to your life and enhance your wellbeing. What’s true for air travel – make sure to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others – is also true for wellbeing: In order to meet your obligation to prevent harm and protect wellbeing at work, you first need to safeguard your own wellbeing. The Be Well component involves each leader completing the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey, and then two one-on-one sessions with Leading Safety to work through your survey report and identify actions to help enhance and sustain your wellbeing.

Lead Well applies the "protect" and "foster" lenses to develop the mindset and practices required of executives to personally foster psychological safety as well as to explore the organisational practices necessary to support psychological safety.

With busy work and personal lives, many people can’t find an opportunity to stop and reflect on their wellbeing,” Andrew Priest says. 

And, as a result, many of the team have made deliberate changes to their work-life balance because of the process.

“Some of the team had never gone through a process before to think about how their wellbeing impacts their leadership at work. For those who had, it was a timely reminder of what matters and how to keep that front of mind,” he says.

It’s not just the senior leadership team which has benefited either.

“The organisation will have a higher priority on mental health and wellbeing given Be Well was run with the senior team,” he says.

“The program demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to mental health and leadership through action. Open it up to your teams to show you genuinely care about their wellbeing at work and at home.”

For more information on the Be Well to Lead Well course, visit our Courses section here.